Righteous Seeds Planted on a New Mission Field in Isbania Kenya
Monday, November 1st, 2021: Hello dear brethren, I arrived safely at Isbania, resting today and together with brother Chacha start making arrangements for our upcoming meeting. I want to ensure the area government officials are informed, so, I gave ample time on this trip for that. Back home, the church is very excited and many want to come over to play a part ensuring this meeting succeeds . Five brothers and three sisters will be arriving on Monday next week. Then, we’ll do three days house to house evangelism. The 3 day meeting officially begins on Friday next week through Sunday evening.
-Bro Haron Wanjala (Kenyan Indigenous Missionary)
Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021: Work has begun on the latrines and we are praying that we won’t come across any hard and rocky surface that can slow us down. The arrival day for evangelism team is fast approaching and we are doing everything most needed to ensure we Succeed. Thanks for prayers and God bless.
Monday, November 8th, 2021: The Mois Bride brethren have arrived in Isbania. This week from tonight up to Sunday will be very busy and I will be posting many updates God bless the brethren for the prayers.
Thursday, November 11th, 2021: The toilet is almost complete thanks first for the support from the saints and also from the brethren labouring to finish.
Thursday, November 11th, 2021: Our evangelism team hit the ground and we’re moving house to house and making sure we spare no home. So far we have sent out more than 80 invitations for our open air meetings that we planned to start this Friday through Sunday. The area chief is informed and has promised to attend at least one session. Yesterday evening we had a wonderful fellowship at the home of a man we had earlier the previous day witnessed to. This man called me yesterday inviting me for some biblical questions. Praise Jesus, after he clearly understood the truth He has accepted Jesus and we prayed for him together with a good number of his family members and neighbors he had invited.. Ok brethren, just continue praying for us here that the un-watered-down biblical Jesus be preached. Thanks and be blessed dear brethren.
People give their lives to Jesus at brother Chachas home at the meeting and we have a prayer request. Our sister here is a member of a micro finance group (called Chama here in Kenya). She had this week talked to her fellow members about us and the kind of gospel we preach that saves, not the one’s in the majority of the “churches” that is lukewarm at best. She has requested we go talk to them this afternoon. Praying that their hearts softens to receive Jesus. Pleas pray for their souls.
Well, here they are dear brother in the picture below. We met these women at their Chama’s meeting place and spoke to them about this true and un watered down gospel. Most of them are sadly from the SDA cult. We spent 4 hours telling them about the risen Christ. None of them openly received our preaching but thank God as 3 of them promised to attend all our planned meetings. May God the Saviour open their eyes to see the truth. We will be starting the meetings tomorrow. We appreciate the prayers from you brethren. God bless