Salvation and sewing in Moi's Bridge Kenya

Salvation and Sewing in Moi’s Bridge Kenya

FELLOSHIP & MISSION UPDATE 1-17-2020: Hello dear brethren, we a had a great and blessed Lord’s Day. Our main reading was from the book of 2nd Timothy 3:1-7. Sammy, the young man who visited us last Sunday repented of all his sins and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Salvation alas. It was a big blessing to have him attend the meeting with his this week. He is the tall man appearing in the picture above. Glory to Jesus.

Also, Sister Naibei is doing a great job witnessing to her fellow women. She is the one with a head covered in the picture above together with those she invited to church this Sunday. One of the visitors is her twin sister. They promised to come again, God is moving. We are praying that their eyes open up to the truth and to see the truth in the Bible concerning true salvation.

The sisters sent their thanks and regards to you and those who helped restart their sewing business. They and are praying for you. They are making preparations for starting the clothing making business again as early as next month. We pray that God will bless and expand their work this time they serve Him and the other needy and poor souls.

And finally, the 25kg of superfood Moringa has arrived and we are also going to by the 100 Bibles that you sent money for. All for God’s glory. AMEN

– Bro Haron

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