The Kapnandi Uganda WFF GMFC Fellowship Banner November 2 2020

The Uganda Fellowship Marches Forward for Jesus

Hello dear brethren, greetings from Kapnandi, Uganda. We really appreciate your prayers and support for this Uganda mission. The Lord called us to make disciples and not just converts. Here at Kapnandi, Uganda. we are making converts that become true disciples of Jesus Christ as commanded. Making disciples is our goal knowing that after someone accepts the word of God to be the master of his life, he will then need help learning how to follow Jesus’ teachings.

We are here to help the brethren “walk as Jesus walked” (1st John 2:6) in a really simple way by focusing on only what is commanded by the Bible. The Kenyan team is helping the Ugandan brethren to take small steps, focusing on getting one foot in front of the other, Spiritually. Each time we make visits to their homes or meet to seek God together, we encourage each other to continue that slow but sure and important growth in their faith. Off course, we are facing various challenges; eg. lack of faster communication on how to reach the local brethren, evangelism and later discipling materials like bibles and other things needed for a start.

We are determined to do all that is possible within our ability to reach with the gospel as many people as God will allow and we trust and believe that God will, with time, provide us with all that is needed for the church here. God bless you all that pray and give and support us. Please pray for the few dozen Bibles we need.

-Bro Haron Wanjala
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