4 Western Kenya Fellowships Meet in a Corn Storehouse
In the midst of worldwide chaos where lost souls are looting, working to feed their flesh and attending false “seeker sensitive churches“, the peace of Jesus resides in the hearts of his few children in some of the most impoverished places on earth. Join me in helping send out more indigenous labourers like brother Haron to gather more fish into the nets.
Last time we gathered under trees. This time we were privileged to congregate in this huge corn storehouse. We had earlier, the whole of Saturday, evangelized house to house and had given out invitations for Sunday fellowship. A few honored the invitation and two accepted to follow and obey Jesus Christ, all glory to God.
-Bro Haron Wanjala
I always am thankful to God for the finite wisdom He has given me that enables me oversee the congregations that you see here. Some brethren are older and with more wisdom and sometimes it really gets tough serving them, praying with them in their homes, training them and sending them out for evangelism and so forth. I surely appreciate God for your prayers and support dear brethren. Always know that every dollar of support you send is bearing fruits here for the glory of the Lord. Thanks and many blessings.