A Widows Cry is Heard in Western Kenya
Thanks to a few saints who help us support dear brethren in Kenya, an HIV infected widow is now being led to Jesus. The obedience of a few 9,000+ miles away is blessing many. Join us.
A young widow seeking help from our tailoring program had this story to tell. Brother Haron reports:
“My husband had been suffering from depression after losing his job as a shop attendant. He started drinking heavily which eventually damaged his liver and finally killed him. This is after infecting me with AIDS…” says Ms Violet, a resident of Mlimani village. “With two children to look after, I’m at a loss what to do to financially support them. They need food, clothes, and school fees but I don’t have the money. I am jobless and HIV Positive and don’t know what to do as society frowns on me because I am a widow and have HIV. A friend has directed me to you sisters, please don’t send me away, just have mercy on me. I want to train how to sew but I have no money to pay. I promise to pay later.” She ended her plea with tears.
I thank God for his timing. Our sisters talked to her more and advised her about how we can help, then, introduced her to Jesus. I am told she quietly listened and later asked for prayers. The sisters prayed for her and advised her to come meet me for further directions on what to do next. All glory to God… see her in video bellow in a yellow top as the sisters prayed for her.