Many Leave the Godless Ecumenical Baha’i Faith in Kenya
July 5th, 2021: We traveled to the home of the Baha’i faith man we met last week. Some of their leaders came also but we couldn’t talk much because the elders were not welcoming at all. They kept on interrupting us until the owners of the home couldn’t hear us out, but today, the man of that home called me and said he will be coming on Wednesday to our place because he is interested in listening to us more. Please let’s pray for him that God helps him to understand the Truth. Today, brother Paul and I were helping out one of our widows move from her rental house she currently stays in to a different house because the only toilet they use sunk 2 weeks ago but the landlord isn’t taking any step to repair it.
July 9th, 2021: We had a wonderful time together with one of Baha’i people. I showed him all the biblical facts that confirms Jesus is the only way to Heaven. He promised that he will attend our fellowship on Sunday for more teaching. I praying that God will help him repent.
July 11th, 2021: Hello dear brother Jimmy. Join me in praising Jesus for what he is doing here in Moisbridge. Moses Odanga is the Baha’i man I have been telling you of. Today, he came to our fellowship for more teachings just as he had promised on Wednesday. After listening for 3 hours, he denounced the Baha’i faith and accepted Jesus Christ as he Lord and Savior. And he declared that he will take me to the homes of his now former fellow members so that we tell them about this Biblical truth we have. Pray for his stability and that God, through him, many will get to hear us out.
July 19th, 2021: Greetings from Kenya and Uganda. Brother Masafu from Uganda and the entire church there needs me but I Can’t make it to reach them now until the end of this month hopefully after the current lockdown affecting both Kenya and Uganda will be will be called off. I have been busy discipling brethren from our new churches preparing them to be on the go, storming the gates of Hell. Brother Paul is doing a great job. He visited some widows and blessed some with food stuffs. Brother Moses took me to more homes for his former Baha’i church members. We praise God one widow denounced the demonic faith and accepted Jesus Christ. God bless you dear brother for your prayers and support.
August 1st, 2021: Much greetings from all over. God has blessed me with Godly brothers who love the Lord, and have a great zeal for souls and who are dedicated to God’s work. I am talking about a few Godly brethren here in Kenya and Uganda, who at times, choose between medication for a sick family member or food for the entire family. I am talking about men who suffer the effects of Malaria and Typhoid but still continue to serve. So many of them lost their jobs due to the covid-19 pandemic. Being laid off work created more time for them to move around in their respective villages preaching Jesus and the results are really wonderful. For five days I managed to meet with six churches for discipleship and empowering them with the biblical truth. The brothers also organized for open and public Bible discussions and at one of these meetings, two women accepted Jesus and I prayed for them. One of them was badly dressed but I am sure she will be taught how to dress as a Christian.