Bro Haron Visits Rift Valley Kenya Mission Fields
This month brother Haron is visiting all the Rift Valley Kenya mission fields he oversees. In the last few years, dozens of souls have truly repented; whether from other religions, cults and also lukewarm, false, Revelation3:16 “Christianity”. His report is below.
Hello dear brother. It’ has been a blessing to serve Jesus and his church in our mission fields here in the Rift Valley Kenya. I have been busy traveling from one fellowship to another, and throughout my travels, I was blessed to serve the Lord together with the brethren in different areas and capacities. My mission was mainly as follows:
-Bro Haron Wanjala (Kenyan Overseer)
1: Checking out on how the widows were doing concerning the chicken project we launched earlier this year. Those who were privileged to be blessed that time are very, very happy and have many many stories to tell on how this project have benefited not only them and their families but also their neighbors and the needy in their respective communities.
2: I also decided to inform and educate the brethren to never and totally never to take covid-19 vaccine. I spent many hours making the brethren understand why we shouldn’t take the jab.
3:While in Kolongolo church, we did house to house evangelism and 3 souls accepted Jesus Christ promising to serve him and to walk the narrow way. We now praying God helps them to Walk as Jesus walked (1st John 2:6).
4: I also talked to parents in church about the importance of withdrawing their children from government and private schools and start homeschooling. Seems like many of them will take time to understand this but we are starting with those we can.
Thanks a lot dear brother for the prayers and support. God bless all who are praying for us over there. I have attached below a few pictures from the field.