Fishing for Souls in Uganda
Apr 12, 2021, 1:42 PM: Hello brother Jimmy, this is an update from our Uganda mission fields as we went fishing for souls. The pictures you see are part of the evangelism outreach work we did here. Many come to hear us out but very few stand out openly to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We do however rejoice for those 10+ souls that accepted Jesus during our over three weeks daily evangelism campaign. I am very grateful for brother Nyongesa who abandoned everything he had to do and accompanied me as my interpreter. The only little challenge always has been providing for their families but we do everything possible even stretching by faith to avoid anything that can stand between us and accomplishing the great commission. I take responsibility of providing for their families’ daily needs by making sure they have enough food for each day they’re away with me in the field. We pray for them and their families for playing big roles in making this mission successful. Thank you so much Brother Jimmy for your prayers and support. Because of a few faithful souls that give through GMFC / WFF, we have accomplished this much and will continue fishing for souls in Kenya and Uganda.
-Bro Haron Wanjala (Western Kenya & Eastern Uganda Overseer)
Apr 15, 2021, 1:58 PM I decided to call two elders from each of our four churches in our Moisbridge mission so that they update me on their respective flocks and I also updated them on my Uganda mission. We are going to discuss the most urgent needs request that you asked us about. I have two immediate needs for Uganda but thought it’d be good if I consult brothers Masafu, Martin and Wafula and then report back to you both reports tomorrow evening my time. Thanks much brother.
Apr 16, 2021, 1:58 PM: Now concerning our prayer requests, we focused on only the needs that come first and directly touch the lives of the needy. And also ones that will not only benefit individuals but many and to benefit for years to come, if Jesus tarries. So, our prayer request is for the following needs. In Moisbridge, we are requesting for a small piece of land because of the below reasons. No.1. Currently we are spending ksh 16000/ on rent for 8 widows that have nowhere to go with their children and some with their grandchildren. Its has for sometime been the church’s prayer that if we have a piece of land we can organize here and gather affordable building materials and put up a home for them all. 2. We can also add a room on the same building for the on going widows tailoring project 3. And lastly this will be a very reliable and convenient place for our children’s home schooling program we pray to start soon. Dear Brother, just a simple building will work very well. We just use timber, iron sheets and dirt and manure for the walls. And the brethren are more than ready to offer free labour. The second request is, if God provides, that our widows and widowers here be blessed with chickens to their daily food (eggs).This will really help them for nutrition and they can also sell the proceeds for their families’ up keep. In Uganda Church, the first request is also chicken raring for the poor brethren over there and nd the 2nd is a home for a widow in Bumbo fellowship. The first home we built was for 4 widows in Kapnandi. Okay dear brother, we look into this and we pray that God will help you. For us here we are always content with what God provides through you. The below is a brief report that I gathered concerning our prayer requests.
1. A piece of land which is at a very convenient and accessible place with accessibility to water, electricity and a good road sells at 350000 ($3,500USD). Our fellowship hall landlord also have a piece of land for sale and after talking to him says he can even allow us pay at installments as per our ability until we clear him. 2. A good grown hen mature to lay eggs sells at ksh 500 ($5) and a good Cockerel/rooster goes at 1000 ($10). In Moisbridge mission we selected 20 widows from all the four fellowships of course we have more but these are the most in need of help. If possible we provide 3500 ($35) to each of them for 2 hens ,1 cockorel and the balance 1500 ($15) for a simple chicken shelter. Uganda has 15 widows from both Kapnandi and Bumbo. We can use the same method on them concerning the chicken project. And lastly after consulting with the dear Ugandan brethren, it will take $650 to $700 to put up two homes. One for two widows and the other for one widow with her 6 children. Again, the brothers assured me that they will gather and provide/deliver the needed raw materials for the two homes. So Brother, go ahead and do as God leads you.
Thanks and God bless you dear brother. You will see the elders from all our Western Kenya fellowships worshipping the Lord in the video below as well as the chicken project that we just completed. Praying for what God permits and provides. God bless you and the few who help these precious souls in thought, word and deed.