Help Support the Good Samaritans in Kenya
I recently came across an ardent drunkard who spends every coin he gets on alcohol. He has severally been advised to cease drinking but never listens. His wife says “his habitual drinking has brought shame to the family. Sometimes, he follows his allies to drinking places and coming home, we might have to pick him by the roadside or inside the gutter. If my husband gets lucky, a someone might help him to reach the house and the day we are not lucky, we will be called by neighbours to come and pick him by the roadside.” This happens to be the man I picked up three weeks ago and took him to his home in hopes to evangelize to him when I caught him sober. On last Sunday afternoon, I thought of him and wanted to tell him about Jesus but when I visited him, I found out that he was quite ill and hard not sought for treatment due to lack of money, so, I ministered to him and gave him malaria medicine(malarix and neem oil). Please join me in praying for his recovery and also for his soul and so many others. And also consider us on the front lines day and night fishing for the lost to be found. AMEN. -Brother Haron