More Souls Surrender in Western Kenya
UPDATE 3:20:2020:
Hello dear brethren. Thanks so much for your prayers and financial support. I am back home from Kolongolo where we had 3 days of evangelistic meetings with 3 more souls added to the Lord. We did house to house witnessing of the gospel to brother Fred’s neighborhood from 9.30 in the morning for 4hrs. Then we will did open air preaching starting at 4pm. Brother Fred has also sent out invitations to his neighbors and friends for Sunday main fellowship. From the market we settled back to the home of brother Fred’s landlord. This family has a big compound and they have generously accepted us to hold our meetings here for two days. Sadly, they are still in one of the false churches around but we agreed with the brethren here to pray for this family that God may open up their understanding of the word and accept Him by true repentance (an incredible update on this couple below). Brother Andrew is in the video immediately below praying for a man that accepted Jesus Christ after our preaching. He is the only one Who accepted Christ and requested to be prayed for. Glory for the few!
6 brothers that joined me have traveled back to Moisbridge and I will join them tomorrow. God bless the obedient. Acts 5:14 “And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.” The picture below was our open air preaching at Kolongolo market.

These two below asked for prayers after surrendering their lives to Christ. They are a man and his wife. They had accepted brother Fred’s request of allowing us use their compound for the meeting and were in a false Kenyan church for many years. After listening to our preaching, they both decided to leave their false church and truly repent to Christ Jesus living obedient to Him ’til the end. All glory goes to God.

True worship to Jesus
Here I am preaching at the meeting:
On another and sad note, the corona virus is coursing a lot of problems to our church here. All brothers who work with Chinese and Indian owned quarries as stone breakers have been laid off from work until farther communication are over. We are praying for financial support for these dear hard working brethren in their time of need. Thanks so much to all the obedient saints. -Bro Haron