Multiple Western Kenya Fellowships and Sewing Updates
Hello dear brethren. We just finished our Friday evening fellowship with most of the brothers who normally are unable to come for fellowship on Sundays due to the stringent commitments at work. I briefed them on our tailoring project because as the body of Christ, together, we need to be concerned with everything taking place in all the churches. I am so encouraged by how they are seriously praying for this project to succeed. I am foreseeing some job opportunities created because this will be a big relief to these brothers who work at the quarry. Currently, we are seriously focused on training with a mind of venturing into profit generating business. We are targeting schools in the area and making cheap new clothes that can be affordable and accessible to the poor in our area. Thanks for all your prayers and support. We surely pray for more to help these precious, hard working souls. Will definitely update you on the process next week, God willing. Much greetings from the brethren with love in Christ Jesus.