A New Latrine & Seeds 4 the Ugandan Brethren
March 31, 2021, 3:39 PM: Greetings dear brother Jimmy from the Ugandan Brethren. After about 4 days since we last communicated, we have something to rejoice about together. After covering about 15 kilometers walk each day through Bumbu and the neighboring villages, 4 souls have given their lives to Christ. This is the first time we have done such a big gospel operation in this area. Thank God for sisters who walked us around. God used each one of us in a very mighty way. We are planning for a big meeting to take place at brother Wafulas home. Brethren here have two prayer requests One is, if God wills and provides, the brethren need a pit latrine (outdoor toilet) at brother Wafulas home. They meet here on Sundays for fellowship and where to relieve themselves is a big challenge. Currently they go to the bathroom behind old, torn tarps in a shallow hole in the ground. If possible, one with doors built with iron sheets all around will be better because it can serve as bathroom too. One door can serve the women and the other for men. The other request is that it’s planting season here and some widows are requesting me to help them buy corn seeds with fertilizer for their farms. Brother this is only if God provides. Thanks and God bless you dear brother.
-Bro Haron Wanjala
Apr 2, 2021, 11:04 AM: Greetings from uganda dear brother Jimmy. This are pictures from last Sunday’s fellowship. This group you see walking towards the house is of invitees that we had preached to within the week. One thing I learned from them is that it’s one thing to hear of Christ, and altogether different to be accept by Him. We have people who “know religion” today but cannot list the books of the New Testament. They talk about one principal in scripture and that is “GOD IS LOVE” but have not idea of God’s true love that frees one from a sinful lifestyle. Sometimes I grow righteously angry with these false pastors misleading people but at the same time, I consider the source. Satan has no problem using scripture but he misuses it in an attempt to keep them from God. Many people don’t read their Bible. It’s true that many can’t access a bible here in Uganda and even Kenya but we are doing all we can with the resources God is giving us to get Bibles in brethren’s hands and teaching them how to study, witness, etc. This is why our Bible project is working miracles. Our brethren now understand why they are Christians and why it’s worth walking the narrow way. Two of the visitors accepted Jesus Christ and I will be discipling them for some days to make them understand our teachings which is of course nothing less then Biblical truth. l will also be updating on the toilet and widows project in a few days to come . God bless you and all that are praying for this Uganda mission.
Apr 6, 2021, 2:08 AM: Hello beloved brother. Greetings from Uganda. I am sure you are fine and still fighting on to serve God and the needy souls. Here in Uganda, COVID-19 has disrupted many and is continuing to change lives of many. The impact has been great in Bumbo and Kapnandi too where we are serving. It has been very difficult and tough on the local people, widows being the hardest hit. Uganda chose to shut down everything including peoples livelihoods as they live penny to penny. This left the most vulnerable people in dire situations. And If you can remember, since the partial lift of lockdown in Uganda sometimes last year, GMFC have been on the ground in these two villages (Kapnandi, Bumbo and other neighboring villages providing food, natural nutrition/medicine (immune bosting moringa) and essential gospel tools (bibles and women’s headscarves). This week we continued helping widows by replenishing their seeds for crops and D.A.P Fertilizer. Unfortunately, the seeds that they had earlier preserved were used as food during lockdown and now they stood not to have crops for the next harvest which is essential for survival. The seeds we provided them was a great miracle. They were overjoyed. Thanks so much dear brother for your prayers and donations to these precious souls. God bless GMFC for you are God’s extended hand to the most vulnerable in Uganda.
Apr 10, 2021, 1:14 AM: Hello dear brother. The latrine project is now complete. The pit was dug 30ft deep. All the walls and roofing was built of timber and iron sheets. The iron sheet walls will allow the brethren use the latrines as bathrooms too. All the timber was first applied with wood preservative paint and then painted with oil paint. I am grateful for the brethren who tirelessly laboured to make this project successful. God bless you too dear brother and the few that pray and give for the needy.