Rift Valley Kenya & Uganda 2021 Mission Recap
As the year 2021 comes to the end, I, on behalf of Moisbridge, Keya GMFC/WFF mission, Uganda and now the newly born Isbania, Kenya mission wish to give heartfelt and uncounted thanks especially to God and to you dear brother for your tireless prayers for us. This year, just as the past four years, we managed on the ground here to touch, serve, uplift, change and bless hundreds of souls, not only physically, but also bringing many to Jesus Christ. Once more, thank you so much and God bless you all in Jesus mighty name. Below is our brief year end report of what, through God’s provision, we have achieved. In this report, I’ve just focused on the projects (( greatest needs )) we successfully managed to fund and execute knowing very well that there are other several blessings((not included in this report)) that reached us here through your sponsorship.
First, I am just back from a 2 week trip to Kapcherop, Kenya where we hosted an evangelism mission. We had a great time evangelizing to the locals there. 4 souls surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This is now another new fellowship that has begun here in Kenya. All glory to God. Pray that God will give us time and means that I will be able, together with other brethren, go back for discipleship. May God specifically bless you and the few others over there that pray and give for enhancement of God’s kingdom here.
By God’s grace, a new mission field was born in Isbania, Kenya earlier this year. We planned for a very big open air meeting for evangelism. Our most urgent and pressing need was a need for a decent toilet. Thanks to God and to all who prayed for us concerning this worth need. We received the funds we had requested and managed to put up a decent toilet. God bless you all.
In Moisbridge we had three main prayer requests which were as follows:
1:::A piece of land for widows and other important needs..
2:::::, bibles
3:::chicken for widows.
By God’s grace we received funds you wired to us and distributed over 150 Swahili bibles to the brethren.
We also bought 50 hens and 20 roosters and distributed to over 30 widows(see the results in the picture banner at the top of this post. This was a huge blessing as you can see how they have multiplied in the included pictures.
Many here have their lives changed both physically and spiritually too and there a lot of testimonies to glorify God. We are still praying for the land which is a big cost ($3,500 USD) that will be used for a widow’s home, for fellowship hall and also for a big garden that will feed dozens indefinitely.
Here we had 5 greatest needs as prayer requests. All of them was fully funded and completed. We had requested as follows:
1: A motorcycle
2: A decent toilet
3: Three homes – 2 for two widows and 1 for a widower.
4: Chicken project for 29 widows.
5: Paid off debt for a widow’s land as her husband dies leaving her in debt. We will use the land for gardening and chickens.
Many have their day to day lives changed these mighty and tangible blessings. God bless you all for prayers and support for the true gospel to reach Ugandan land. -Brother Haron Wahjala