The TRUTH is Preached in Ahero Kenya with Great Resistance
“Praise God brethren. I thank God so much for your prayers and support. We had an outreach mission to the far western part of Kenya (Nyanza region) in a place called Ahero, 250 kms from our home base in Moi’s Bridge. We traveled 4 of us in this mission. Myself, brother Luka Hamisi, sister Jane Situma and sister Monica, wife to brother Kennedy Masika. We started our journey on Tuesday 27th. From Moi’s Bridge through Kitale, Webuye, Kakamega, Kisumu, Ahero and then, deep into a remote village called OK, within 15kms from Ahero Town. We were there from an invitation of a sister who had visited our Moi’s Bridge fellowship in January this year. She had requested we go preach to some of her church members about the true Bible teaching as fallacies were being told. She has been attending one cultic denomination called “repent and holiness church” headed by “Dr Edward John Owuor”, a deceptive false teacher. For 3 days, we were preaching Christ to them with true repentance and how one must walk holy. They came in numbers and of groups three people, sometimes 7 and even 10, all separately. Our host sister had done a good job of inviting as many people as she could. It even reached a point that their “pastor” was so furious with us that he reported us to the local administration saying we were misleading the locals. God gave us favor before the village chief, for after listening to our testimony, he gave us an okay to stay. Praise God brethren, after 3 days of reasoning out with them, 5 souls accepted the true gospel and surrendered their lives to Jesus, 3 women and two men. It is a blessing to have true believers of the word in a that region where almost 99% of the churches are cultic denominations. We will disciple them and prayerfully start a fellowship there. Once more, thank you so much brethren for your prayers. And thank you to GMFC for prayers and support that enabled us to reach this far. May God bless you all in Jesus mighty name.” -Haron Wanjala