The Working Faith of a Few Blesses Many in Uganda
An example of working faith is a $700 donation from 10,000 miles away (yes, $700 USD) which leads a few widows (including one taking care of her 6 grandchildren) and a widower with 4 children out of leaky, dilapidated homes into brand new ones. Further, those who are witnessing this miracle are seeing the love of Jesus in action and are responding to His call (Matthew 5:13-16). Follow brother Haron’s updates from the Uganda mission below:
April 29, 2021, 2:35 AM: Hello dear brother Jimmy. I talked to the Uganda brethren concerning the windows’ homes. They are so happy for prayers and for the blessed financial seeds you sent for the homeless widows. I advised especially the elders to meet and decide on the locations where they will put up the homes. Also discussed on how they will mobilize the brothers to collect and gather the materials for the blessed work so they will meet on Sunday and report back to me on their arrangements. Thanks brother.
May 2, 2021 11:47 AM: Hello dear brother Jimmy. I talked to Ugandan brethren today and they informed me that with $700 you sent for them, they are able to put up in different locations 2 homes for 2 widows (one with 6 children) and 1 for a HIV positive brother(widower). A total of 3 homes. This brother lost his dear wife last year to this same HIV disease and is left with four children to take care of. He is totally in need of prayers. Thanks God the brethren have thought of him. The $700 will cater for all iron sheets needed and for the transportation expenses. The brethren will provide all wooden poles for walls and timber for roofing plus all labor required. Material gathering starts tomorrow our time and construction on Wednesday. I will travel on Tuesday to be there with the brethren for four days then be back for other work. Will update you about the progress for the period I’ll be there. Thanks and God bless.
May 3, 2021 3:16 PM: Hello dear brother, a request for your prayers. I will wake up early tomorrow morning for the Uganda journey. I will have to use another road across the boarder to avoid the unnecessary but costly covid-19 tests. The road is a bit longer but very safe. Thanks and God bless.
May 4, 2021 6:53 AM: Praise God dear brother. I have just arrived safely in Uganda. Brethren are out in Fields gathering the materials for the homes. I now rest and will join them tomorrow for work… Thanks for the prayers.
May 5, 2021 1:54 PM: Greetings from Uganda dear brother Jimmy. I am requested to deliver to you a lot of thanks from our Ugandan church here for the blessed financial seeds you sent them to build the widows’ homes. Today was the second and the last day for collecting building materials. So many worked very hard as we wrapped up the day by delivering all the materials to the 3 respective places to put up the homes. We are meeting tomorrow morning to plan and divide ourselves into 3 groups that will work on the homes. Thanks for your prayers and God bless you.
May 6, 2021 1:33 PM: Hello dear brother Jimmy. Today we held prayers at one of the sites for the homes. It’s always a blessing to begin anything we intend to do with prayers. Brother Martin’s message to the brethren was that whatever we do for others, especially the the needy, we are not only serving them but also our Lord Jesus Christ at the same time. So, we prayed for all those that are involved in this work and also for the GMFC family as a whole. Below are some pictures of the construction so far of the homes. God bless you brother.
May 7, 2021 1:35 PM: Hello dear brother Jimmy. Today has been another busy but very blessed day. The construction of the widows’ homes continued as planned. The brethren from all around reported early as we had agreed yesterday and some neighbors also came to offer help. Today we were working on the roofing. Iron sheets was fixed and two doors also fixed. For the good part of the day we working and working. Then in the evening, we had a blessed fellowship and later a meal together. 2 neighbors promised to come on Sunday to fellowship with us. We are praying for them that God will help them see the importance of salvation and repent. Tomorrow we will be working on the walls. This is fixing mud (mixture of water, manure and dirt) between the tree branches nailed on the poles. Quite a good number of sisters came today and fetched water ready for tomorrow. Thanks for all the prayers.
May 8, 2021 2:36 PM: Praise Jesus dear brother Jimmy. Above are the pictures of the three homes for the homeless in our Uganda church. As you can see, 2 of them are complete but one lacks the main door. We are praying that we get one soon and the brethren here will fix it for the sick brother to move in the house with his children. We also had a God given opportunity to share the word of God to the gathered saints and villagers who had come to help us out with the work. It was a blessing to hear people praise God for these homes. I have to travel back home tomorrow after a short fellowship with the church here as I would like to personally meet those who have promised to come to our fellowship tomorrow so that I hear them out and help understand the Bible correctly. I need to attend to a sick old man back home who I had a month ago promised to visit and share the word of God to him and also attend to some of his needs. Thanks for all the prayers you send us in Jesus name.
May 10, 2021 11:26 AM: Hello dear brother. I couldn’t make it to travel yesterday. After Sunday fellowship, several brethren asked that l pray for them and their families. And after this, another three families among the neighbors that had the previous day helped us with the building requested me to visit their homes and talk to them more about the word of God. I was totally unable to decline this. So, I to honored the invitations and it took me to about midnight, that is when I was through with the last family. I praise Jesus dear brother as 2 families accepted Jesus Christ. The 3rd family needed more time to digest the scriptures I had given them. I promised to visit this family when I go back to Uganda again soon. Now I am on my way back to Kenya and I’ll be home in 3 hrs time. God bless you for your prayers, concern, and financial support.