A New Fellowship is Born in Wamuthoni (Western) Kenya
Brother Haron reports:
On Tuesday, I traveled to Kitale to start a new fellowship. A brother and his wife have been coming once per month to our Moisbridge fellowship.They introduced two of their neighbors to Jesus and they wanted to talk to the family’s Pastor, so, I went there twice and on Tuesday we officially started the fellowship. I planning for a bigger fellowship there from 18th to 19 the of this month. On Saturday I visited our Wamuini fellowship(dear Sister Esther’s) and on Sunday we had a wonderful fellowship back home that winded up with a child Dedication.
We mightily thank God for feeding soul and we thank Him to allow me to help add to His flock here in North and Western Kenya. My hope as the GMFC/WFF church overseer is that the church here be a body that walks daily in the reality and power of the gospel; that, as we live our lives, our decisions would have eternal significance; that we share Christ with those around us and far beyond; that we pursue eternal pleasures at the right hand of God; and that we imitate Christ and love our families, friends and enemies only by sharing the whole biblical truth with them. Nothing is held back as to appease anyone who may be in sin, no matter what the cost.
Our fellowships aren’t just something we attend or do by habit. We aren’t just a building or an event. We are a peculiar people, the body of Christ, former sinners saved by grace and striving to work out our salvation while enduring ’til the end for final salvation. We exist to bring glory to God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered outreach ministry and gospel-centered disciplining the new concerts.
We are happy to announce that God has done it again! We have another true fellowship started at Kitale town at Kwa Muthoni estate. We appreciate our dear sponsors for the prayers and support. Through the sponsorship of a few obedient saints that are thousands of miles away, we now have four fellowships (Moisbrigde, Kaptien, Wamuini and now Wamuthoni).
God bless you all and please watch our few videos of our services below. This is the Wamuini fellowship. On this day two young women who are neighbors to brother Philip joined us for fellowship and even accepted for a group photo. Please join us as we pray for them to accept Jesus. -Bro Haron Wanjala
Hello brethren, I have things to inform you.
1: On 18th of this month we will be officially launching the Wamuthoni fellowship. We will be traveling about 10 of us from Moisbridge fellowship.
2: On the 25th of this month (May), God willing, we will be again traveling close to 350kms deep into a remote village called Kolongolo Kenya near the south Sudan border. A dear beloved and genuine brother by the name Fred re-signed as a Moisbridge quarry worker and is moving back to his Kolongolo home. For one year he has been sharing the biblical truth with his father, wife, and two neighbors of his. Last Sunday they had their first fellowship together, praise God. The brother is very excited for what God has done and says he better be a labourer on people’s farms and make sure that the church is established in Kolongolo… praying for him and the souls He Is disciplining over there. Quite a number of brothers don’t want to miss this fellowship. We are praying for God’s provision for this trip.
God bless you brethren (those who abide in and obey Jesus in every thing).
Brother Fred can be seen in the front 15seconds into this video wearing a black coat and a while shirt. Praise Jesus!