A New Fellowship of Saints is Born in Kolongolo Kenya
Hello dear brethren. On Friday, the 25th of this month, God willing we will be again covering close to 350kms deep into a remote village called Kolongolo, about 100kms from Kenya/ South Sudan border. A dear beloved and genuine brother by the name Fred re-signed as a Moisbridge quarry employee and he is moving back to his Kolongolo home. For one year he has been sharing with close family members the biblical truth about true repentance that leads one to true salvation… We have been praying for him and the souls that He will be discipling over there. Quite a number of brothers from Moisbridge don’t want to miss this fellowship and this is why we appreciate so much your prayers and financial support that has enabled us prepare for the trip and facilitate for this two days Kolongolo fellowship. We Love you and many are praying for you dear brethren.
13 of us set-off on Friday evening and after a wonderful 4 days of fellowship and evangelism, we have returned safely from the Kenyan/South Sudan border. One should Never underestimate the power of prayer in the lives of those around you. On Sunday we spent time on our knees for brother Fred’s neighbors. We cried out for their souls on their behalf and we prayed that God would open doors for us to get to know them and give them the key to everlasting life by preaching to them the true word of God. We asked God for the boldness to be a witness for His kingdom.
On Monday morning we entered every house in the neighborhood. When the neighbors shared difficulties, we prayed for their healing and peace. The next day (Tuesday), we again went around and let them know that we prayed for them at our Monday night fellowship and then shared the things God laid on our hearts and Scriptures that the Holy Spirit gave to us. Thanks to God, at this outreach mission two souls accepted Jesus and were added to Kolongolo fellowship. The short video shows the brethren in preparation for outreach ministry.
Much thanks to all of you who prayed and financially supported us. Your financial support and prayers make a big difference. -Bro Haron