A New Mission Field is Born in Isbania Kenya
The Truth is being spread to another part of Kenya right on the border of Tanzania as we have been praying to evangelize in that country also. Brother Haron’s blessed update below with a very humble request to the readers:
Dear brethren, how are you doing. Just As I had informed you last week, I have been going around checking on the brethren, exalting them, putting overseers in all our fellowships and encouraging them to walk the narrow way not to forget serving Jesus in truth and spirit. Last Tuesday a brother who had been laid off from work due to “covid-19” called me wanting me to go offer him support for outreach / preaching to his neighbors and villagers.
-Brother Haron Wanjala (WFF / GMFC Kenyan Overseer)
This brother and his family moved one year ago from Moisbridge to their home in Isbania which is at the South West Kenya/Tanzania boarder. He is praying to start a fellowship here and already they have a neighboring family which they fellowship with. I managed to traveled last Friday and we spent the whole of Saturday and Sunday doing house to house evangelism. Brother this place is still fertile for the word of God because I can without controversy confirm that the response to our evangelism was very encouraging. So, I have advised this brother that he, together with the church in Moisbridge plan for an open air meeting at his home, then, we invite people to the meeting. We tried this in Uganda and it worked and I think it might work here too.
I already talked to the elders from our churches and they have agreed. So, I am planning to take 5 brothers with me for this mission. There is only one major problem here. This family has no suitable toilet. The one they use though still new isn’t hygienically fit. Please dear brother, I know this is a burden but pray for us as we likewise pray for you in everything. Thanks and God bless all obedient to Christ Jesus.