Category: Uncategorized


There is no Other Faith than Working Faith

September 5th, 2021: Greetings dear brethren. We are very great full for this God given opportunity to serve our master Jesus Christ here in Uganda. We also thank God for the Kenyan brethrens safe journey. Most of them arrived safely as planned and we are expecting the rest tomorrow. They’llRead More

Mois Bridge Kenya Uganda Brethren Jesus Christians

30 Days in Uganda 4 Jesus

August 17th, 2021: Hello brethren, I am in Uganda 4 Jesus and I arrived safely today at about 6:40pm our time here. I will rest the whole of tomorrow then later in the evening meet brethren to map out how they are planning to engage me throughout the one monthRead More

Moi's Bridge Kenya Uganda Jesus Christians Sponsor a Child Banner

Many Leave the Godless Ecumenical Baha’i Faith in Kenya

July 5th, 2021: We traveled to the home of the Baha’i faith man we met last week. Some of their leaders came also but we couldn’t talk much because the elders were not welcoming at all. They kept on interrupting us until the owners of the home couldn’t hear usRead More

Widows Chickens Bibles Mois Bridge Rift Valley Kenya Banner

Bibles, Chickens and Heavenly Worship in Rift Valley Kenya

Hello dear brother. It has been a very busy week going round and through villages for house to house outreach preaching but glory to God one Soul is saved from sin and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. I will update on Bibles and chicken distribution today in the evening GodRead More

Moisbridge Kenyan Brethren Update Banner May 2021

From Islam to Jesus in Kenya

The tireless evangelism that happens on all our mission fields is planting seeds of righteousness. We rejoice as the 1st Muslim has converted to Christianity from bro Haron’s preaching this week. Haron updates: I am going out with brother Paul for outreach preaching and then later today I will beRead More

Uganda Widows Home Build Update Banner 5-6-2021

The Working Faith of a Few Blesses Many in Uganda

An example of working faith is a $700 donation from 10,000 miles away (yes, $700 USD) which leads a few widows (including one taking care of her 6 grandchildren) and a widower with 4 children out of leaky, dilapidated homes into brand new ones. Further, those who are witnessing thisRead More

Mois bridge Kenya Uganda Christians Fishing for souls Banner

Fishing for Souls in Uganda

Apr 12, 2021, 1:42 PM: Hello brother Jimmy, this is an update from our Uganda mission fields as we went fishing for souls. The pictures you see are part of the evangelism outreach work we did here. Many come to hear us out but very few stand out openly toRead More

Working Faith Fellowship Brethren Building a latrine in Uganda Global Mission for Children bANNER

A New Latrine & Seeds 4 the Ugandan Brethren

March 31, 2021, 3:39 PM: Greetings dear brother Jimmy from the Ugandan Brethren. After about 4 days since we last communicated, we have something to rejoice about together. After covering about 15 kilometers walk each day through Bumbu and the neighboring villages, 4 souls have given their lives to Christ.Read More

uganda heavenly nets kenya Jesus Christians

Evangelizing 2 Fill Heavenly Nets in Kenya & Uganda

These dear fisher of men have sacrificed it all to obey Jesus and fill heavenly nets. Brother Haron updates us below of the evangelistic efforts in Western Kenya & Eastern Uganda. Please click here to help us reach more souls if you are able. March 15, 2021: Hello dear brotherRead More

Kologono Kenya Small Fellowship banner Kenya for Jesus

Spiritual Needs & Physical Necessities Fulfilled

March 1st, 2021: Hello dear brethren. At Kolongolo church, I wanted to minister to brethren in small groups as this helps me identify areas which they need spiritual assistance most. So, we came together to worship a Holy God; to pray, to hear God’s Word, to fellowship and encourage eachRead More

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