Crossing the River Suam to Evangelize in Uganda
Many years we have been praying to evangelize and start a fellowship in Uganda. It’s finally coming to fruition as many prayers are being answered. Bro Haron updates below (9/25/2020).
Hello faithful brethren,
-Bro Haron Wanjala
We managed on Monday to travel and arrived safely in kapnandi village in Uganda. On this mission, as I had informed you earlier, we are targeting 6 villages for house to house evangelism. We came here on invitation of a young brother called Martin, the son of a village chief.
This part of Uganda is very fertile for the gospel and we have seen quite a good number of people hungry for the Truth and accepting Jesus as Saviour and Lord in true repentance. This has made us cancel our earlier plans for a 5 day mission winding up on Sunday. We are giving ourselves another one more week to accomplish what we have already started
From the look of things on the ground here, there is no way we can leave this place without starting a fellowship (church) for those who have repented and surrendered to Christ. The network coverage in this area is very poor but I will update again soon. We thank God for calling those few who partner with us to be part of this work here in Uganda. God bless you and keep you safe. We love you and you are all in our prayers.
UPDATE 9/28/2020: Hello dear brethren. We continued with house to house evangelism and we will be doing this for the next six days. Then, we are praying to gather all those who repented at the house where we are staying. We want them to know and familiarize with each other then talk the way forward on how to start a fellowship for them. The hosting brother talked to the local government officer and we have been allowed to hold the Sunday’s meeting. Also those who have accepted our preaching have sent out very many invitations for Sunday. This week we will be revisiting those homes of those who had shown interest in the preaching but were either undecided or asked us to come again. Asking for your prayers.
UPDATE 10/1/2020: People here are so attached to devilish traditions, alcohol and false churches. There are three main churches here; Catholic, church of Uganda and Islam. I have seen and learned that the Kenyan false churches have started to penetrated here and this is what we are really trying to hit hard warning the brethren not to even listen to this kind of people.
We are planning on a major meeting on Sunday that will take place outside the house we are staying now. I am praying for God’s presence and that those present to understand what I will preach. I am being led to preach on that day from the book of 2nd Corinthians 6:14-17.
UPDATE 10/3/2020: Today a poor woman brought her 4yr old son for prayers. The boy is suffering from sickle cell anemia. After praying for him I discovered that he needed doctor’s attention. I hired two motorbikes one for me and bro George and one for her that took us about 75kms to Andersen Medical Center that is in Kenya, 40 kilometers from Kitale, Chepchoina area near Kenya-Uganda border.
-God bless the obedient in Christ that make it possible for me to serve the downtroddden. -Bro Haron
The child needed blood and I thank God I was able to accompany the mother and the sick child because it happened that I was the only one present that could donate blood which I did and I now am safely back to the house in Uganda. Latest report from the hospital indicates that the boy is doing well.
Our first official meeting in Uganda is tomorrow. All arrangements are put in place. We are expecting many to honor their invitations that the brethren sent out. We hired a vehicle to transport brethren that come from afar. We also have arranged for simple lunch for everyone that will attend. Prayers will be appreciated dear brethren. Now I rest for I have a lot to do starting early in the morning.