Heaven Rejoices for Violet from Western Kenya
I highly urge you to follow this heartwarming and miraculous story from the 1st post I did. Saints (those of you abiding in and obeying Christ Jesus), you will be highly blessed!
Start at the 1st part from April 25, 2019. Click here.
Then read the follow-up post from May 6, 2019. Click here.
The rest of the story is below (updated by brother Haron on June 9, 2019):
“This is SISTER Violet Siphrose, the forgotten, unrighteously outcast and downtrodden HIV positive lady who came to us crying and wanting to learn dressmaking from our tailoring project as her and her children went without food often. On Sunday (6/6/2019) after weeks of exhorting her and showing her the true love of Jesus, she repented from all her sins and fully surrendered her life to Christ. Because of a few donors through GMFC/WFF, we can now send her children back to school. Please, help us reach more of these precious souls. Glory to God The Almighty.”
First Visit Before Salvation w/Children Violet’s Daughter Receiving a Gift from GMFC Violet Repents From and Forsakes all Sin A New Creation Praying for Violet