It’s all About Fishing for Souls and Discipleship – Brother Paul Update
The seed of righteousness was planted back in April 2018 as you can see here (last paragraph – April 30th, 2018 Update). Brother Haron and the Moi’s Bridge Kenyan brethren were evangelizing as they do all the time. A drunkard named Paul broke down and humbled himself and look what happened in the 2nd update here.
The very next month as you can see in the video posted here, brother Paul starts to serve the brethren out of love for Christ. A couple months later in June 2018 as you can see here brother Paul continues to be strengthen in Christ as he left his old wretched man behind. In January 2019 as you can view here, some of the Moi’s Bridge brethren, including brother Paul, travel to the Siaya mission field to help brother Joseph minister to the downtrodden. Glory to JESUS!
Bro Paul continues to serve the Lord Jesus in May 2019, June 2019 helping dig a water well and continuing into 2021. Bro Paul’s wisdom continues to increase as he labours to rebuke false religions and in mid-2021 he became a full time indigenous missionary we support. Below is the latest report about dear brother Paul. All glory to Jesus.
October 30th, 2021: Back home here, brother Paul is doing great Job for Jesus. And since we prayed for him for full-time ministry, he is bearing kingdom fruits . The man in the middle in the picture below is one of those he preached to and now he is a dear brother.
-Bro Haron Wanjala (Overseer)