30 Days in Uganda 4 Jesus
August 17th, 2021: Hello brethren, I am in Uganda 4 Jesus and I arrived safely today at about 6:40pm our time here. I will rest the whole of tomorrow then later in the evening meet brethren to map out how they are planning to engage me throughout the one month I will be here. God bless you dear brethren.
August 23rd, 2021: Hello dear brethren, I send you much greetings from Uganda in Jesus name. The brethren here are high in sprits to have me join them in preaching Jesus in their villages. My heart rejoices to share with you what God is doing here. Since Tuesday, we have been doing door to door evangelism and bible study in the evenings, daily. A good number of the people we ministered to during the daytime honored our invitations for bible study in the evening. We covered 4 villages that has so many alcohol addicts. By the end of yesterday, 4 souls have repented and accepted Jesus Christ and to proof their faithfulness to the word of God, they came for fellowship yesterday at brother Masafus home. This week, I will be spending time with these new believers for discipleship and I will also meet the elders that they may brief me on the well-being of our church as a whole. God bless you and all the few that are praying for us.
August 25th, 2021: We are planning to have a big fellowship in two weeks time here in Uganda. Ugandan brethren have invited the dear Kenyan brothers. So, please pray for safe travels. About 10 brethren from Kenya have confirmed their coming to meet our church in Uganda. Four of them will be coming with their wives, our dear sisters. Pray for their safe boarder crossing both to and fro. They will travel by motorcycles. Almost a whole day journey.
August 27th, 2021: Hello dear brethern, we continued to do house to house visitations with brother Martin. The pictures below show us having lunch at the house of one of the brothers here. These brethren are generous and supportive. They make our outreach mission target successful. In many instances they invite and make ready their neighbors hours before we arrive and this has been one way of them participating in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. We appreciate your prayers.
May the Lord Jesus bless the ones walking obedient to Jesus. -Bro Haron Wanjala (Western Kenya and Uganda Overseer)