The Ugandan Disciples Grow
Hello dear brethren, much greetings from the Ugandan brethren. I have told them about our oversees brethren and many are saying prayers for you. We had wonderful gatherings in different areas in Kapnandi district. Brethren here are really hungry for God. They travel from different places covering very long long distances just to arrive in time before fellowship starts. We met daily in homes and once in a school classroom and shared the Word together, eat food together and even participated in community work together.
-Brother Haron
This time round we had 17 new converts from the seeds we planted weeks ago and this brings the total number of the Ugandan brethren for the two fellowships to 47. Now, the task we have ahead of us is discipling them to make them fishers of men. We are praying that God will give as more strength and grace to achieve this. We appreciate your prayers and support that has really propelled us cover a lot of ground. God bless those who support our efforts as we labour for Christ day and night.